Sunday, July 28, 2024

The unsaid


The flowers exuding musty fragrance 

The head reeling in woody summer breeze

The brows bearing , squinting 

The harsh rays , the body shrivelling 

Before the fireball mellows into beautiful hues


The granneries filled wary of days ahead

Beautiful now and stepping down slowly 

Knowing time to blend in soil

Knowing the time coming 

To stay still


That which is not said

Remain suspended in the mist

Sometimes warmed by the breath 

And then turning into drops 

Falling warmly on the chest


And when endless waiting 

In eternity ends for a while

The heart of the kernel breaks

Giving away everything that could be held

Knowing everything would return in time

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Little things matter, I think so


I had lost time and paths 

That could have lead me differently 

Or I think so 

But for now I see the little glistening grass 

And I think beautiful 

I'll begin by noticing them

I have hurt many 

I could have done differently 

Or I think so

But for now a little smile for the one before me

And I think beautiful 

I'll begin by doing so

I have judged many

I could have done differently 

Or I think so  

But now a good word 

And I think beautiful 

I'll begin by doing so

Ive acted foolishly and been embarsssed

I could have done differently 

Or I think so 

But now I accept myself 

And I think beautiful 

I'll begin by doing so 

I have been things a many regretting 

I could have done differently 

Or I think so 

But it could not have been any different

I'll see them someday beautiful 

Starting now by doing so 

Friday Writings #136: “begin by doing small things”

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Another dream

Timeless sky

And a lonely me

A scorching sun

In sands of a desert

Endless sea

The waves hovering

But if for company

A star, an oasis, a ship 

A dream true 

It shall be 

ORIGINAL--     When it seems and not

 Melting in the timeless sky 

horizon lonely and shy

Saw nothing

but the leaves fallen dry 

Walking in the scorching sun

passing through the desert land

Saw nothing 

but only the glistening sand

Wading through the water

sinking in the endless sea

Saw nothing

but the waves hovering in glee

Then hopes sprung

of what is seen

and what it seems

And the heart sung

An oasis in the desert

A ship in the sea

A star in the sky

As dreams can be

But certainty a darn thing

when doubts start creeping in

Was that all of dreams

lasting just long as it seems

The star a jinxed one

The oasis an illusion

The ship a shark

Still thoughts in confusion.....


Written for Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Writings #135: Less is More