Sunday, August 29, 2021

A dream called The Aurora Borealis

May it that the heavens grace me to watch

Or may it  through beloved eyes 

Sure am I that  north abode to reach 

In lifetimes  next or this 

A sight of the spectacular Aurora Borealis

May a night sky  I see in the north

And the iced lake beneath 

Amongst the magical trees,

love filled heart and  howling winter breeze 

Whence shall watch the Aurora Borealis 

May a  faraway dream it seems 

But a dream nearer to my heart it is

As to the earth the magnificent sun shares

The sparks of their love in solar flares 

And I dream the Aurora Borealis 


  1. This is breathtaking, I felt a chill as though I was actually surrounded by snow.

  2. Beautifully written. I would like to dream the Aurora Borealis!

  3. Beautiful imagery. And effective repetition. Like Naledi suggests, your poem takes us there.

  4. A lovely rendering of a natural spectacular. I alwsay say to myself that must be awesome to experience.

    Happy Sunday


  5. I recall as a young child seeing the Aurora Australis or Southern Lights from Tasmania where I lived. I only knew what the greenish, flickering light in the sky was because of what the adults around me said. Though I only saw it that once, it has remained with me vividly in memory.

  6. Yeah I've heard of it too and must say you are Lucky!


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