Monday, September 16, 2024

The difference

Myriad suns have set and risen

The silence follows 

Do I make a difference 

I ask myself 

A myriad moon have risen 

And again my heart dips into the abyss

Could I make a difference 

I ask myself

Relentlessly the ocean hits the shore

The salty wind breezing past into oblivion

Should I try to make a difference 

I ask myself 

With no one near and none to judge me

I cry my lungs out on the mountain top

Whether I make or not a difference 

I tell myself 

Written for 

Friday Writings #144: To speak up or stay silent?


  1. I love the repetition 'Should I try to make a difference' Beautiful images like 'my heart dips into the abyss'

  2. Yes, very true. We do have our emotional response, regardless; and express it too, some way or another.

    1. Yes Rosemary, somehow everything finds a way out in time.

  3. You never know who might hear you on that mountaintop. Individually, we are both insignificant and powerful simultaneously.

    1. Yes , that's the point we want to be heard not judged

  4. The repetition works so well in this piece.

  5. "A myriad moon have risen

    And again my heart dips into the abyss"

    Beautiful writing, Jossina. The refrain works well.


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