Sunday, October 20, 2024

To hold on / to let go

Every  dawn upon the decision 

I munch  thoughts in tears 

To put behind the dealt derision

That led to the infliction of  fears 

The habits of agitating over the past 

The wont of  bursting in cries

To let go of myself 

To severe the unwanton  ties 

Slowly upon a revelation 

I waft up in an understanding 

There is no letting go 

Atleast  to a certain reasoning 

Upon the  crevices of a wretched soul

The flickering light dawns

It is not me , it is about them

An understanding arrives

I let go of their faults 

Its their's to bear

Till now weighed upon my soul

A regrettable wretched strife 

All animosity disappears

My feelings float a past

In eternities perpetual bliss

Though only for while

Written for

Friday Writings #149: The Joy of Walking Away @ Poets and Storytellers United 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Soothing Balms

Sometimes the snow in a far of land 

Sometimes the rain near me 

Sometimes the dewy morning rays

Amd sometimes the cool evening breeze

Sometimes the starlit night sky  

Sometimes the pale waning  moon

Sometimes the morning mountains 

And sometimes the evening shore

Sometimes reading a book

Sometimes  a poem being read would do

Sometimes a melody

And sometimes writing one too

Sometimes a smile on your face

Sometimes a good word too

Sometimes the kindness in your eyes

And sometimes the awareness of your love too

Friday Writings #147: What soothes you?

@Poets and Storytellers United