Sunday, October 20, 2024

To hold on / to let go

Every  dawn upon the decision 

I munch  thoughts in tears 

To put behind the dealt derision

That led to the infliction of  fears 

The habits of agitating over the past 

The wont of  bursting in cries

To let go of myself 

To severe the unwanton  ties 

Slowly upon a revelation 

I waft up in an understanding 

There is no letting go 

Atleast  to a certain reasoning 

Upon the  crevices of a wretched soul

The flickering light dawns

It is not me , it is about them

An understanding arrives

I let go of their faults 

Its their's to bear

Till now weighed upon my soul

A regrettable wretched strife 

All animosity disappears

My feelings float a past

In eternities perpetual bliss

Though only for while

Written for

Friday Writings #149: The Joy of Walking Away @ Poets and Storytellers United 


  1. The joy of not only walking away from the person and situation, but also from your own self-blame. Onward!

  2. Yes Rosemary, oft trying trying to find where it went wrong , why we deserved such treatment from people . Thank you for your comments

  3. Reminds me of an e-friend who was working in a government office, doing a good job and being hated for it by the less competent. Someone caught her reading a letter from a publisher. "Who would ever want to read a book YOU'd write?" Well...she wrote a few dozen, most reprinted a few times, some "outliving" her. She walked away from the office, lived on a plant farm, raised plants and children and wrote happily ever after.

  4. (Pris cilla King, logged into Google, which is still pretendng not to recognize me in hopes of getting permission to clog the computer with more cookies. But how can there be room for cookies when I have 2000 web pages to read?!)

  5. I committed the same crime Priscilla which was not allowing cookies and got locked out of my blog

  6. As Rosemary said....Onward and upwards!

  7. When that light arrives, you know what direction to walk. in. Beautiful poem!


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