Friday, August 12, 2022

Ballad of a Candle

I had waited in eternity

To let the spirit light me 

And it was lit in time instinctively

The wax of you held me

And I was burning out 

The more I burnt

The more you lost 

But yet not for a moment

you failed to hold me 

And at some point I thought

I would part

Rather than finish out 

But you refrained

from turning away  

from your noble  fate 

And left me with 

nay to do but burn 

myself to annihilation 

While I watched your formless 

form dance around me 

and as fate willed

I too contemplated 

in burning with utter rhapsody 

And so as the curtains fell  

And the ending vision ensued 

In the heart of every witness 

a spectacular vision was beheld  

Of the wick, the wax, the fire, the dance

In the ballad of a Candle       

Written for Friday  writings # 38 : To Burn

@ Poets and Storytellers United 


  1. It is like a living thing too, the wick, wax and fire of the candle, all coming together to produce a flaming dance, until all are exhausted. Enjoyed your ballad of a candle.
    Thank you for the visit to my blog. :)

  2. I love the passion here but at the same time wanted to blow it out to save it!

  3. Oh you are so empathetic, I am glad you could feel it so , thank you

  4. Your appreciation means a lot to me, thank you Rosemary


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