Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Reverie

The stretch along the mountain road

a strenuous arduous climb it be 

Expectations of dreams a mind aboard

with streaking silvers along  the valley 

Pretty  blossoms along the way 

the emerald  fields below 

the splendorous orange sky

the melody blowing from a far

Love  touched upon my dreamy heart 

from beyond the walls of the sky

The heavens silent grace

and a gentle shower come by

In time true my blissful reverie 

before a reality it  can be

Here upon I prepare an enactment 

in the mind before the journey 

Written for Friday Writings #91: Muscle Memory 

To embark on a journey  to some faraway mountains of a dream I soon hope to fulfill  , Magaly's prompt came in time to sharpen my claws, exercise my mind and body .

Monday, August 21, 2023

 "Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different. "

                                       ------   Oprah Winfrey 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

What matters at all ! / ?

 It matters 

yet let it still not matter 

and may be it won't  either 

And if at all 

let me be free enough 

abandoning myself 

to the momentary frivilousnes 

of some eccentric thoughts 

and let the strange peace of

idiosyncratic thoughts 

soothen my being a particle in time

For sometimes life is such

as to wanting vehemently 

yet not wanting fervently enough 

That which keep weighing 

one over the other 

We live the strangest paradoxes 

abandoning the  greatly needed 

cause the unrest, cause the chaos

Yet I'm glad today 

a bit more than yesterday 

for once I'm truly what I say

for once I am what I am today

My heart,  soul, listening 

to each other's musings 

Knowing life couldn't be

any other way

Accepting ...fulfilling ...

my dreams, in my own way

As much as it takes courage 

to move forward  

So much so a courage 

to step backward 

May no one ever judge 

Let my silence be 

for all you to see 

Let my heart be 

for the one who understands 

the depths of a sea 

For it matters 

and it matters not

Thursday, August 10, 2023



                The Steps 

                                   By Paul Valery 

Your steps, children of my silence,

Holily, slowly placed,

Towards the bed of my vigilance

Proceed dumb and frozen.

Nobody pure, divine shade,

That they are soft, your steps selected!

Gods!… all the gifts which I guess

Come to me on these naked feet!

If, of your advanced lips,

You prepare to alleviate it,

An inhabitant of my thoughts

The food of a kiss,

Does not hasten this tender act,

To be soft and not to be not?

Because I lived to await you,

And my heart was only your steps

Friday, August 4, 2023

" The truth is,  unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward."        

                                      ........ Dr Steve Maraboli