Saturday, August 12, 2023

What matters at all ! / ?

 It matters 

yet let it still not matter 

and may be it won't  either 

And if at all 

let me be free enough 

abandoning myself 

to the momentary frivilousnes 

of some eccentric thoughts 

and let the strange peace of

idiosyncratic thoughts 

soothen my being a particle in time

For sometimes life is such

as to wanting vehemently 

yet not wanting fervently enough 

That which keep weighing 

one over the other 

We live the strangest paradoxes 

abandoning the  greatly needed 

cause the unrest, cause the chaos

Yet I'm glad today 

a bit more than yesterday 

for once I'm truly what I say

for once I am what I am today

My heart,  soul, listening 

to each other's musings 

Knowing life couldn't be

any other way

Accepting ...fulfilling ...

my dreams, in my own way

As much as it takes courage 

to move forward  

So much so a courage 

to step backward 

May no one ever judge 

Let my silence be 

for all you to see 

Let my heart be 

for the one who understands 

the depths of a sea 

For it matters 

and it matters not


  1. As a Pisces person, decision making is always a shall I/shan't I situation. Enjoyed your thoughts on the subject. ♥

    1. I wonder how much the stars affect us ,because I find myself different from the majority of our breed. But I'm glad it resonated with you. Thank you

  2. Replies
    1. You too...ha, ha. mm now I'm really happy. Thank you

    2. Thanks to my interest in astrology, I now understand the significance of the Pisces/Virgo link. Due to their directly opposite can't have one without a little of the other! lol

  3. "Knowing life couldn't be
    any other way
    Accepting ...fulfilling ...
    my dreams, in my own way"

    This is my favorite bit. I like the mixture of uncertainty and conviction. Life will happen any way it chooses, and our reactions to the happenings are all the control we can have.

  4. I like for things a sure yes or no, left or right, etc. with a take it and run result. Of course we have failures and variations for future decissions to help us decide.
    I'm thinking this was hard to write trying not to get wires crossed.

    1. Jim was.. but I think it came across right. Thanks you

  5. It matters and it matters not. Good thought for a particle :-)

  6. wanting vehemently
    yet not wanting fervently enough ... we do live in paradoxes!

    1. May be that's what life is all about. Thank you Rajani

  7. Beautiful poem 'fulfilling my dreams, in my own way' Yes our own way is the way. Finding ourselves and living it. Love 'Let my silence be for the one who understands
    the depths of a sea'
    Yes it matters Had to think about why it wouldn't matter. Maybe because it is about the journey not the destination

    1. It matters to me, yet to others it might not matter :). And thank you Marja

  8. Choices, some are obvious, many others are not. Your words made me think of the quote from Deepak Chopra: The universe has no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision. There is no right or wrong, only a series of possibilities …

    1. Yes Penelope I feel that's really true . Thank you

    2. Yes Penelope I feel that's really true . Thank you

  9. "We live the strangest paradoxes: ~ I love this line in a poem that spoke volumes. Great write!

  10. I ike the line "It takes courage to move forward." And sometimes it takes courage just to Stan still. I should know . Learn More

  11. "soothen my being a particle in time" - oh yes, I wonder how we are able to keep all our particles together as "one" and not each bouncing off in different directions. There is so much to ponder in your poem. :)

  12. Wow, your comment is one more beautiful.. bouncing in different directions :)

    Thank you Lee San

  13. Being ourselves is what matters and it's a privilege to do so, even if it's sometimes unpopular.

  14. Yes of course Colleen , Thank you


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