Monday, December 11, 2023

The search

The alchemy 

to convert the emptiness 

to a gratifying whole 

Whether it be happiness 

Or bliss or peace

that which ever eludes

A search to quench  till it fills 

Answer it may the  autobiography 

of God 

Written for " Friday Writings #106: Seasonal Readings"

Recently I've picked this book named "The autobiography of God. "by Lenaa Kumar. As I've just begun to read it I cannot say much about it, as for the reason I picked it up is reflected in my poem. 


  1. How clever of you to use poetry to tell why the book reached out and said "read me please." Loved it.

  2. The alchemy to convert... I'd like that recipe, please.

  3. The best books do fill the empty spaces. So, fingers crossed... 🤞🏽


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