Saturday, December 2, 2023

Luna's song to Solis

You are the splendorous  light 

and I float on the otherside 

You shine brilliantly furthermore 

and I turn  beautiful in my sight

Solis would you be credited alone

For I follow after you in silence 

Within me is seen your magnificence

yet mellowed is my joyful presence 

The orb of my dignified credence

This Luna's song altering every night

All the terra watches the brilliance

A dance of shadows and light

Yet upon the emptiness be filled 

And in darkness a  light be named 

My signature marked  in  forever 

by the rays of your eternal light


  1. All the terra watches the brilliance
    A dance of shadows and light - indeed!!! Nicely said.

  2. Thank you Rajani. When I watch the night sky I'm always fascinated by celestial luminescence... the sun, the moon, the stars and the mysterious darkness

  3. Indeed, it is a serendipitous dance … one we depend on and delight in.

  4. The sun, the moon, the masculine, the feminine .. the eternal dance.

  5. How beautifully said! And I can relate it to Van Gogh's painting of the 'starry, starry night' – it's like another, independent view of the same scene.

    1. Yes Rosemary, the starry night the night sky inspired me this way. Thank you

  6. The stars are bright, Deep in the Heart of Texas! I remember one night when our older daughter, kindergarten age, was wearing her new first pair of glasses, and was walking wiith us. All of a sudden she exclaimed, Daddy, daddy, "I can see the man in the moon!" Most of the time we take the stars and the plannets and the moon for granted most of the time. Not when we write or read about them or are brought to our attention.

    1. Children have a way of finding wonder in everything, and thank you for sharing

  7. I didn't know the Spanish word for sun. I like it better than plain Sol or sun. Your poem is a love song to the sun and moon.

  8. Yes even I found those words beautiful..befitting a poem, thank you Debi

  9. Beautiful poem....Rall

  10. I really like "All the terra watches" Thumbs up!

  11. Lovely luminous writing Jossina - especially your final two lines:

    "My signature marked in forever
    by the rays of your eternal light" Great stuff...

  12. "This Luna's song altering every night

    All the terra watches the brilliance

    A dance of shadows and light"

    Gorgeous writing, Jossina!


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