Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Couldn't you be doing 

something worthwhile 

Be not  a mortal without pride

What are your priorities 

I ask the beggar at the  way side

He looks mockingly 

at my insolence

Don't you guess what it is 

Gazing in depth into my eyes 

Without a further snide

Ashamed I turn away

From a moment of haughty pride

As I think of a harder life

The priorities now would seem a mockery

Even as others push with a vain chide

What should my priorities be 

A simple  thought I arrive

yes to take a moment at a time 

To respect and be kind  

Just a few rules to abide

Written for Friday Writings #158


  1. A beautifully composed poem .. a message for us all. Cheers.

  2. Nice use of rhyme and assonance.


  3. This is beautiful, Jossina! (Sara)


Your genuine comments are appreciated