Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Veil

To let go of fear yet still some lingering 

To hope the best even when the tough is not get going 

To want for more and still a guilty trip riding 

To look back and forgive yet somewhere  regretting 

To believe a fuller life than I know of doing 

To give love even when I know not of what I am talking 

To make promises though I keep breaking 

To give vain hope even when  I could never be fulfilling 

To pray for the good of others even as  them I keep hurting 

To be of service yet a return expecting

To be sorry  for all that and again it doing 

Are these the rights in some of the wrongs 

Or the wrongs that could never be right 

To know the answer and yet pretend I didn't know anything 

Monday, December 11, 2023

The search

The alchemy 

to convert the emptiness 

to a gratifying whole 

Whether it be happiness 

Or bliss or peace

that which ever eludes

A search to quench  till it fills 

Answer it may the  autobiography 

of God 

Written for " Friday Writings #106: Seasonal Readings"

Recently I've picked this book named "The autobiography of God. "by Lenaa Kumar. As I've just begun to read it I cannot say much about it, as for the reason I picked it up is reflected in my poem. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Luna's song to Solis

You are the splendorous  light 

and I float on the otherside 

You shine brilliantly furthermore 

and I turn  beautiful in my sight

Solis would you be credited alone

For I follow after you in silence 

Within me is seen your magnificence

yet mellowed is my joyful presence 

The orb of my dignified credence

This Luna's song altering every night

All the terra watches the brilliance

A dance of shadows and light

Yet upon the emptiness be filled 

And in darkness a  light be named 

My signature marked  in  forever 

by the rays of your eternal light

Monday, November 20, 2023

To father Geppetto

A  promise to someday be

a real human being 

To lie nomore 

nor any havoc anymore 

But how many times will 

I falter father Gepetto

inspite of the shame 

brought upon my nose 

I know you wait on me

With love that I'll better be

Yet for all I try 

I falter again and make you cry 

But not so anymore 

For I wish the wishes true

Of the turquoise haired fairy blue

the promise to someday be

 real human being 

                             Love  Pinocchio  

Written for Friday Writings #103: Life Is a Fairy Tale

And I wish that everyone wish to be a better human being

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Some Answers

Why was I so shy 

Why was I so scared 

Why was I not brave in time 

Why was I so fearful of this world 

Why did I fear losing before even I could find 

Why did I fear to dirty my legs 

And then tried to be brave when it was too late

Why time lost never comes back 

Sometimes I wake up with such why's 

Whose answers seem nothing but sighs


But then......

I realise.....

I still have a chance 

To be bold , to be brave 

While there is still time 

Facing  fears would better be

than owning my cowardice 

To tread the unpleasant path 

And face with courage the mirror that reflects 

Then would I perceive 

that the seasons change 

All is beautiful enough 

And ....  I  don't need to ask 'Why?

Written for Friday Writings #99: Why???