It matters
yet let it still not matter
and may be it won't either
And if at all
let me be free enough
abandoning myself
to the momentary frivilousnes
of some eccentric thoughts
and let the strange peace of
idiosyncratic thoughts
soothen my being a particle in time
For sometimes life is such
as to wanting vehemently
yet not wanting fervently enough
That which keep weighing
one over the other
We live the strangest paradoxes
abandoning the greatly needed
cause the unrest, cause the chaos
Yet I'm glad today
a bit more than yesterday
for once I'm truly what I say
for once I am what I am today
My heart, soul, listening
to each other's musings
Knowing life couldn't be
any other way
Accepting ...fulfilling ...
my dreams, in my own way
As much as it takes courage
to move forward
So much so a courage
to step backward
May no one ever judge
Let my silence be
for all you to see
Let my heart be
for the one who understands
the depths of a sea
For it matters
and it matters not